Worst Case Scenario #1: Case of the Flipped Fault

By Julie A Martin, Licensed Agent-Abora Insurance Group, LLC

It’s time to play Worst Case Scenario, with your host, Julie Martin. Today on Worst Case Scenario, a teenaged girl just got a new convertible for her 18 th birthday, a cute little VW Bug. She’s bouncing along listening to her favorite music and singing along with the lyrics, and then KABLAMMO! She rear-ends you, and you feel it!

You get out of the car, and approach the rear of your car cautiously to check the damage. There is not much damage, and you remember that you have a collision deductible of $1,000. You could go through her insurer, assuming she has one, but you are not sure what to do. Luckily, you have Abora Insurance, who is a highly esteemed agency that represents a multitude of different carriers, but who represent the people, the clients, with passion for customer service that is nearly heretofor e unseen by mankind.

What you SHOULD do is call the police to the scene of the accident. Why should you do that?

Because you only have 1 chance to solidify in an accident report, fault of the accident via an official source. Insurance Companies and courts view accident reports written by the police as legitimate legal documents. If you choose NOT to call the police, but to exchange insurance information with the now sobbing teenage girl, and then go about your merry way….

The teenage girl struggles to think of how she is going to explain this to her father, knowing he is going to be very upset with her for crashing her brand new car. The police did not come, because no one called them. Her brain says to her that there is only one reason you did not call the police, and that is because you were afraid it might be your fault.

Therefore, in the eight minutes that it takes her to reach her driveway, she not only has convinced herself that the accident was not her fault, but that it was your fault. She goes home and tells her father she was in an accident and she blames you. Her father calls his attorney, who then says he will handle everything.

The next thing you know, not only are you being painted as the bad guy, but that the attorney for the girl’s father is trying to hit up your insurance company to find out what kind of bodily injury liability you have on your policy. It can happen that fast.

Always call the police if you are in an accident. Always have your proof of insurance on your person or in your vehicle, along with your registration, and driver license. Always take photos of your car and any other cars involved, as well as the drivers of those cars, so that there is no plausible deniability of who was driving what car or where their vehicles were in relation to yours at the time of the accident.

Always carry Uninsured Motorists Coverage, because Bodily Injury liability is not required for the State of Florida. The minimum required limits to be street legal in Florida are 10K Property Damage Liability and 10K Personal Injury Protection.

Dear reader, this is the best way to protect yourself from the fool hardy foibles of other drivers.

Be Safe, Be Informed,
Julie A. Martin
I’m an Abora “Advocate” because I love helping people. Abora doesn’t represent one particular
insurance carrier; we represent you ,
and are here for YOU!

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